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Amla Saar (Pure Indian Gooseberry Juice)

Amla Saar

Amla is perhaps the single most often mentioned herb in "Charak Samhita"- Ancient Indian Ayurvedic medicine literature (500 BC)

The fruit is has the highest content of vitamin C of any natural occurring substances in nature. Amla is most useful treatment of ulcers and hyperacidity.

Amla builds immune system to fight against all kind of viruses like that of Hepatitis, AIDS, Influenza and many others.

The Vitamin C content of Amla Saar is between 625 mg - 930 mg per 100 grams ! Amla juice has 20-25 times more vitamin C than orange juice. Wow ! Isn't it amazing ?

Amla-The Richest source of Natural Vitamin C on earth. The most effective of all anti-ageing herbs and anti-ageing remedies.

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1 Bottles (500 ml)


3 teaspoonful twice daily, Morning and Evening with equal water.

Benefits of Natural Vitamin C - Amla Saar

Amla Juice is the best Natural Anti Ageing Remedy. Most imprtant and most effective of all Anti Ageing herbs. Amla is the richest source of natural vitamin C. Vitamin C has been found to be the most effetive natural substance to fight ageing.

Comparison of AMLA SAAR with other Natural sources of Vitamin C:
Daily requirement of Vitamin C is 90 -150 mg per day

Sr. No.    
1 Amla Saar 625 – 930mg
2 Kaju (Cashew Nuts) 200 mg
3 Amrood (Guava) 160 mg
4 Green Coriander (Dhania leaves) 135 mg
5 Chukandar ( Beetroot) 88 mg
6 Cabbage 85 mg
7 Papaya 57 mg
8 Cauliflower 56 mg
9 Pineapple 39 mg
10 Orange 30 mg
11 Lemon 26 mg

Amla reduces unwanted fat because it increases total protein levels; this is due to its ability to create a positive nitrogen balance and it also significantly reduces the levels of free fatty acids. In addition, Amla, in a raw or natural form, reduces cholesterol and cholesterol induced atherosclerosis (Obstruction of the arteries), making it a useful natural product to fight obesity. One study shows that it prevented atheroma (degeneration of the artery walls due to fat and scar tissue). Furthermore, Amla has exhibited considerable effect in inhibiting the HIV virus which ultimately results in the disease AIDS.

Chemical composition of the fruit

The fruit pulp, which constitutes 90.97 per cent of the whole fruit, contains 70.5 per cent moisture. The total soluble solids constitute 23.8 per cent of the juice. The acidity of Amla is 3.28 per cent on pulp basis. The pulp contains 5.09 percent total sugars and 5.08 per cent reducing sugars. The ascorbic acid content is 1,094.53 mg per 100 ml of juice. The tannins and pectin content of the pulp is 2.73 per cent and 0.59 per cent respectively.

The fruit pulp contains 0.75 per cent protein. The mineral content of the edible portion, as represented by its ash, is 2.922 per cent. The percentage content of the mineral elements, viz. phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and iron is 0.027, 0.368, 0.059, 0.248 and 0.004 respectively.

Medicinal Properties of Amla

The medicinal properties of Emblica officinalis have been mentioned by many authors

  • Amla Saar is used in treatment of Acne and other skin problems.
  • Amla Saar is very effective in treatment of Acidity and Peptic ulcers.
  • Amla Saar is rich in Vitamin C, Calcium, Iron, essential amino acids and many other vitamins and minerals and anti-oxidants.
  • Regular Use of Amla Saar improves immunity, fights cancers, rejuvenates the body.
  • It fights chronic diseases like hypertension, high Cholesterol, Diabetes, AIDS, influenza, Chronic cough and cold, Chronic infections, Chronic fatigue and Chronic inflammatory conditions.
  • Ayurveda describes it as one of the best herbs for Diabetes, bleeding disorders, strength and stamina promoter.