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Ayurvedic Remedies for Menopausal Syndrome, Natural Medicine, Herbal Cure

Herbal Cure for Menopausal Syndrome - Ayurvedic Medicines-Natural Treatment

Menopause is a natural hormone (estrogen) deficient state that occurs at the age of 45-55 years. After the age of 40 years, ovaries reduce their production of sex hormones. As a result, the menses as well as other body functions are disturbed. Finally the menses cease permanently. This ultimate pause is described as menopause. Needless to say that this phase also marks the end of fertility in a woman. Irregular periods, hot flashes, night sweats, vaginal dryness and itching, and mood swings-- all these are typical symptoms of menopause. Osteoporosis (thinning and weakening of bones), heart disease, and Alzheimer's disease (progressive loss of memory and concentration) are the long-term hazards of menopause. With an increase in life expectancy, menopause has become an inevitable phenomenon in a woman's life and many years are spent in the postmenopausal phase. In this millennium, a woman perceives menopause as an opportunity to concentrate on new activities and bring out the best in her. Consequently, treatment of this transitional phase has now gained more importance than ever before.

Herbal Cure Menopausal Syndrome Pack

Naari Kalyan Churna Female health Support Pradarantak Churna
Naari Kalyan Churna Female health Support Chander Prabha Tablets
1 Pack 2 Bottles 2 Bottles

1 Month Supply

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The above pack is for 30 days. Following is the dosage details:

  1. Naari Kalyan Churna - 1 teaspoonful, twice daily with plain water after meals.
  2. Pradarantak Churna - 1 teaspoonful, twice daily with plain water after meals.
  3. Female Health Support - 2 capsules, twice daily with plain water after meals.

Ayurvedic Remedies for Menopausal Syndrome, herbal cure female health, herbal cure woman health cure

Some of the common symptoms are -

  • Anaemia, Weakness
  • Feeling of intense heat in your body on some occasions
  • Profuse sweating at night
  • Excessive falling of hair
  • Irregular menstrual periods with excessive or scanty bleeding
  • Burning and increased frequency of micturation
  • vaginal dryness and itching
  • Joint pain
  • Oedema
  • Irritable nature
  • Sleeplessness Lassitude

According to allopathic medicine normally physicians prescribe 'H.R.T.' ( Hormone Replacement Therapy). In this cyclical treatment with Estogen and Progesteron is given.Besides being expensive, H.R.T. is apprehended by many women because of the associated risk of developing breast and uterine cancers. H.R.T. is also contraindicated in women with hypertension, myocardial infarction, recent blood clots, migraine headaches, liver disease and gall bladder disease.

Ayurved, the science of life, advocates a holistic treatment of menopausal syndrome by utilizing various herbs and minerals and offers a reliable option to the conventional treatment.

Simple Ayurvedic remedies are very useful in these conditions.They use substances known as phytoestrogens that are estrogen-like substances derived from plants. They mimic the actions of the estrogens in the body but are free from their side-effects.

Useful Ayurvedic preparations are Ashokarishta, Dashamularishta, Ashok Ghana, Dashamool Ghana, Lodhra Ghana,Manjishtha Ghana, Trivang Bhasma etc.

Useful tips to complement the beneficial effect of Ayurvedic Medicines:

  • To compensate for the low calcium in your body, consume more of calcium-rich foods such as skimmed milk and palak.
  • To keep a check on your cholesterol levels.
  • Nourish yourself with whole, natural foods. Avoid saturated fats such as cheese and butter. Instead eat low fat butter.
  • Have adequate amount of unsaturated fat such as sunflower and corn oils in your diet.
  • Limit your intake of tea or coffee to one to two cups daily.
  • Avoid sedentary lifestyle.
  • Make exercise a daily routine (after consulting your doctor) to keep yourself fit.
  • Practise yoga and meditation for calming effect and mind control, and hence stress management.
  • Develop positive approach towards menopause.
  • Most importantly, avoid smoking and drinking alcohol.