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Ayurvedic Remedies for Breastfeeding Problems, Natural Treatment

Herbal Home Remedies for Breast Feeding Problems - Ayurvedic Medicines-Natural Treatment

breast feeding

Breast feeding is the most important for a child to grow healthy. The infant is totally dependant on breast milk and this becomes like a foundation for the child's total health.

Through breast feeding the child gains all the necessary nutrients and it gains immunity power. Thatsy there are certain camps and advertisements focusing on the importance of breast feeding and no other food can replace it.

Women face breast feeding problems such as Lack of milk, Mastitis, Sore nipples, Breast abscess, breast engorgement, Breast mass, Thrush, Breast engorgement etc.

Breast Feeding Problems Herbal Cure Pack

Female Health Support Shatavari Capsules
Triphala Shatavari Capsules
2 Bottles 2 Bottles

1 Month Supply

No side effects! Free Shipping and Handling Worldwide!

The above pack is for 30 days. Following is the dosage details:

Female Health Support: 2 capsules twice daily with plain water.
Shatavari Capsules: 2 capsules twice daily.

Breast feeding problem due to lack of milk:

Breast feeding should be done frequently. Feed your baby frequently and not for a long time at once. The more you feed your baby frequently it will stimulate for more production of milk.

Pump your breasts after each breast feeding which will help to raise the production of milk.

Check the bowel movements and the number of times of urination of the baby to determine whether it has been well fed.

Avoid intake any birth control pills during the period of breast feeding. Pump your breasts for a few minutes after each feeding. Remember a Mother's health is much important which reflects on the child. So the Mother should also have nutritious foods and remain in a happy atmosphere for the welfare of the child.

Prolactin is the hormone that stimulates the breast cells to produce breast milk. There are certain Ayurvedic herbs which stimulate the hormones and acts as lactogenic.


In Mastitis the breasts become red, swollen and tender. it is an infection of the breasts that causes flu like symptoms . That includes fever, chills, fatigue etc. the Mother should take adequate rest and increase the amount of fluid intake.

Breast engorgement

The breast engorgement occurs after the birth of the child within the first week. It is due to the excess production of the new milk which causes pressure on the breast leading to its pain and swelling. By feeding the baby frequently the intensity of engorgement decreases.

Having a warm shower before breast feeding makes the Mother relieved of the pain. Pump the breasts before feeding or massage slightly while feeding will help to express sufficient milk for the child and the swelling will also alleviate.

Also wear loose- fitting bra to overcome discomfort.

Plugged ducts

  • Plugged ducts are caused when one or more of the ducts (supplying milk to the infant, that open to the nipple) are blocked by thickened mass of milk. The mother feels it like a lump and has tenderness. The simple way to get relieved by it is to breastfeed the child frequently.
  • Wear a loose fitting bra.
  • Apply moist heat around the breast. Mild massage while nursing will help. Avoid stress and have adequate rest. Sleep on your side and not flat.

Breast Abscess

It is an infection of the breast and pus is formed within the breast. Here the child should be breastfed only through the unaffected breast.

Simple tips to improve breast milk

  • Post delivery, intake of water boiled with fennel seeds and fenugreek seeds will improve the breast milk.
  • Also 2 grams of fenugreek seeds can be swallowed with lukewarm water. Fenugreek seeds are an excellent remedy mentioned in ancient text that improves the breast milk.
  • Have sufficient quantity of warm milk daily.
  • Have nuts like almonds
  • Rice pudding with milk and sugar is also essential.
  • Warm massage daily of mother and child is helpful fpr the mother to get rid of stress.

There are several types of breastfeeding problems. Let's take them one at a time

The child has no appetite

In this case, the mother is producing a lot of milk, but the child has no appetite. Here are a number of effective, natural ways to help.

Drink Fennel Tea

Make a tea by steeping 1 teaspoon of fennel seeds in a cupful of boiled water. When the tea cools, give the baby 1 teaspoonful every 10 to 5 minutes. Childhood is the kapha stage of life, when the body is building. It is also the time when many kapha disorders occur (such as colds and runny noses) and when kapha may stagnate in the stomach, slowing down the appetite. Giving this fennel tea will help to wash out the kapha and in a gentle way stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes.

Make Ghrita Madhu

Mix a pinch of Pippali (Piper) in 1/2 teaspoon of honey combined with 1/2 teaspoon ghee. Give it to your baby to lick. The more he or she licks the mixture, the more the appetite will come back.

Monitor your diet

One possible reason for a baby's apparent lack of appetite is that your milk may not taste good to the child. If you tend to have excess pitta in your constitution, and especially if your diet is hot and spicy or includes sour foods and fruits, your milk may become bitter, and the baby won't like it. This unpleasant taste could be the cause of the child's apparent lack of appetite. So it is important to determine the mother's prakruti (constitutional type) and to be sure the diet she is eating is appropriate.

Empty your breasts

If your child has a diminished appetite and you are secreting more milk than gets used, it is important to empty your breasts. This will avoid congestion of the mastic and lymphatic tissue. Be sure the breasts are emptied of milk at least 2 or 3 times a day.

If you decide not to breastfeed

A related situation occurs when a woman chooses not to breastfeed her child. Then the milk is stagnant, which may be one of the causes of fibrocystic changes in the breast. So it is important to empty the breasts whenever milk is present.

There is insufficient milk

The child has a strong appetite, but lactation is scanty. This problem is the reverse of the first. Here are several suggestions to increase the quality and quantity of milk.

Shatavari Kalpa

To increase lactation, Ayurveda recommends a delicious concoction called shatavari kalpa: the herb shatavari roasted in a pan with ghee and natural brown sugar. Take one teaspoon of that sweet, roasted shatavari in warm milk 2 or 3 times a day.

Shatavari is called Asparagus racemosus. It is useful herb for increasing the quantity of breast milk as well as quality. Female support is another formula that contains this herb.

Plain Shatavari

You can also use plain shatavari with ghee and sugar. Mix together equal amounts of shatavari and natural sugar, and take t teaspoon of the mixture with t teaspoon of ghee along with a cup of hot milk.

Almond Milk

Another formula to increase breast milk is almond milk. Soak to almonds overnight in water. In the morning, peel them and blend them in the blender with a cup of hot water or hot milk. Pour the mixture into a cup or glass, and add t teaspoon honey or date sugar, and a pinch each of ginger, cardamom, and saffron. Drink twice a day.

Herbal Formula

To maintain healthy lactation, use this herbal formula:

Yakrit Plihantak or Navkarshik Churna is very useful to cleanse the blood and helps in formation of healthy milk. Take 1/4 teaspoon of this mixture 2 or 3 times a day with a spoonful of honey. If you wish, you may use this formula the entire time you are breastfeeding.

Infected Nipple

A third problem is that during the time you are nursing your child, the nipple is not properly cleaned and a fungal infection develops. So take care to wash carefully to prevent this from happening.


To prevent breast abscess, mastitis, conges?tion, and stagnation of milk in the breast, gently massage your breasts with warm cas?tor oil. Take 1 teaspoon of the oil, and gently massage the breast from inside outward-that is, from the sternum (breast?bone) back toward the armpit, both underneath and around the nipple, and to the side.

Do not apply the castor oil to the areola and nipple. If you apply castor oil to the nipple and your baby sucks the oil, he or she may get diarrhea. So either avoid the nipple or wash off the oil before nursing the child.