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Natural Remedies for Endometriosis, Ayurvedic Medicine, Herbal Cure

Herbal Cure for Endometriosis - Ayurvedic Medicines-Natural Treatment

Endometriosis is the term that reflects the abnormality of endometrium. It is a tissue that lines the inside of the uterus and it sheds along with the unfertilized egg during every menstrual period. But in case of endometriosis, this tissue is found outside of the uterus like on the ovaries, fallopian tubes or other parts of the pelvic cavity. This leads to symptoms like painful menstruation and dyspareunia (painful sex).

Herbal Cure Endometriosis Pack
Herbal Cure Endometriosis Pack

1 Month Supply

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The above pack is for 30 days. Following is the dosage details:

  1. 1. Female Health Support - 2 twice daily after meals with water.
  2. 2. Aloe Vitals - 1 twice daily after meals with water.
  3. 3. Pradrantak Churna - 1 teaspoonful twice daily.
  4. 4. Shatavari Capsules - 2 twice daily after meals with water.
  5. 5. Boswellia Curcumin - 2 twice daily after meals with water.

In their acute forms, PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease), endometriosis and similar conditions are Pitta disorders showing accumulation of heat and stagnant blood, with infection and inflammation. Often the Liver has to be treated and the blood cleansed.

Ayurvedic Treatment of Endometriosis requires an anti-Pitta diet and regimen, avoiding all spices but turmeric, coriander and saffron, also refraining from salt, alcohol and refined sugar, and all oils but coconut and sunflower. Good herbs include Shatavari, Kumari Saar, Gotu kola, dandelion, myrrh and Echinacea. Strong bitters like gentian, katuka, and golden seal can be added to these. Shatavari is the drug of choice for treating this.

Endometriosis is more Kapha in nature with the excess growth of the uterine membrane. This is particularly the case when there is little infection. An anti-Kapha, anti-tumor and general detoxifying and reducing approach is useful with typical herbs like Guggul, myrrh, turmeric and dandelion. Black pepper and katuka or goldenseal can be taken with honey.

The natural herbs present in 'Female Health Support' helps in all the menstrual difficulties and acts as a natural tonic for the reproductive system. It gets rid of symptoms like painful menstruation, irregular menses etc. it is an excellent remedy for hormonal imbalance and cures the symptoms in a natural way. It is a wonderful medicine for ovarian cysts as well as uterine fibroids. On the whole it is a good rejuvenator for the female reproductive system.