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Leucorrhoea: Ayurvedic Treatment and Home Remedies

Ayurvedic line of treatment is best treatment in case of lucorrhoea, Means Leucorrhoea is best treated with Ayurvedic medicines. We at Krishna herbal company have leucorrhoea care pack for its treatment which has very good results in cure of leucorrhoea.

Leucorrhoea Is a natural defense mechanism which preserve the flexibility of vaginal tissues by lubricating it. Leucorrhoea may be physiological or inflammatory. It is not a disease but symptom in some diseases like diabetes, anemia or in sime bacterial infections. Normally it presents with whitish discharge from vagina but sometimes associates with some other symptoms like itching, burning sensation, redness of vaginal tissues with foul smell, where consultation of doctor is must to avoid further complications. Leucorrhoea may also seen in young girls before their first menstruation.

Causes of Leucorrhoea

There are so many reasons for leucorrhoea, mainly is increased estrogen hormone. Amount of discharge depends upon severity of infection. Other are -

  • Improper hygiene
  • Indigestion
  • Constipation
  • Diseases like diabetes, anemia etc.
  • Local injury or wound.

Symptoms of Leucorrhoea

  • Thick, yellowish white discharge
  • Weakness
  • Pain in low back or thigh region
  • Headache.
  • Constipation

After delivery, leucorrhoea accompanied by backache and foul smell Lochiya ( post-partum vaginal discharge containing blood, mucus and placental tissues ) may suggest that the failure of involution due to infection.


Ayurvedic Treatment and Home Remedies

Ayurvedic medicines which are very beneficial in leucorrhoea are:-

Leucorrhoea Care Pack

Pradrantak Churna Pitta Balance Female Health Support Gandhak Rasayan
Pradrantak Churna Pitta Balance Female Health Support Gandhak Rasayan
2 Packs (200gm) 1 Bottle (60 Capsules) 2 Bottles (120 Capsules) 1 Bottle (120 Tablets)

1 Month Supply

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The above pack is for 30 days. Following is the dosage details:

  • Pitta Balance : 1 capsule once or twice a day.
  • Gandhak Rasayan : 2 tablets twice or thrice a day.
  • Female Health Support : 1 cap twice daily with water.
  • Pradrantak Churn : 1-2 teaspoon twice a day, with water or iced tea or juice, after meals.

Herbal preparations for leucorrhoea and other female health problems at our Krishna herbal compony arePradrantak churna, Female health support, Pitta Balance, Gandhak rasayan, Which make a complete leucorrhoea pack. Explanation for each herbal remedy is given below for better understanding.

Pradrantak Churna Is a herbal formulation to get rid of excessive yellowish white discharge. This powder balances aggrevated kapha doshas associated with vata and pitta, Stimulates digestive fire, Balances physiological functions of the body by excreting toxins Out.

Dosage : 1-2 teaspoon twice a day, with water or iced tea or juice, after meals.

Female Health support Is a blend of herbs which regulate and balances the female health. Its good to use daily to improve reproductive system. Ingredients are Ashok, Shatavari and Lodra.

Dosage :1 cap twice daily with water.

Pitta Balance Is a blend of herbs which contain all soothing medicines in it like Praval pisti, Akik pisti, Jawar mohra pisti, Kamdhudha ras, Mukta pisti and Giloy satav. Intake of Pitta balance, Pacifies the pitta dosha very fast and helps in conditions like burning sensation.

Dosage :1 capsule once or twice a day.

Gandhak rasayan Is a herbal supplement for rejuvenation, Which improves immune system. Its really a very good remedy for all skin problems and also helps in purification of blood.

Dosage :2 tablets twice or thrice a day