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Herbal Home Remedies for Urinary Incontinence

Herbal Home Remedies for Urinary Incontinence - Ayurvedic Medicines-Natural Treatment


Urinary incontinence is primarily a vata disorder, caused by weakness of the muscles of the bladder, especially the bladder sphincter. If that becomes weak and uncontrolled, a person may lose voluntary control of urina?tion to a greater or lesser extent.

Another cause of incontinence, especially in the West, seems to be the frequent use of rest rooms. When some people see a rest room, they just use it, whether the need is urgent or not. They apparently think (perhaps subconsciously), "Maybe I won't have another chance for a while." But the bladder muscles become weak and lose the capacity to retain a large amount of urine and pass it out only when really necessary.

Herbal Cure Pack for Urinary Incontinence

Ashwagandha Capsules Brahmi Chawyanprash Chander Prabha Vati
Ashwagandha Capsules Brahmi Chawyanprash Chander Prabha Vati
(2 Bottles) (1 Bottle) (1 Bottle)

1 Month Supply

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The above pack is for 30 days. Following is the dosage details:

Ashwagandha Capsules : 2 capsules twice daily.
Brahmi Chawyanprash : 1 tablespoonful twice daily.
Chander Prabha Vati : 2 tablets twice daily.


The Varunadi vati and the herbs present in Rencure formula clears kidneys, bladder stones etc. and helpful in other cases like Urinary?tract infection etc.

The herbs present in Mutrakrichantak churna are also helpful to fight the recurrent urinary tract infection especially caused by E.coli bacterium.

Herbal Cure Pack for Urinary Tract infection

Mutrakrichantak Churna Punarnava Capsules Varunadi Vati
Mutrakrichantak Churna Punarnava Capsules Varunadi Vati
1 Pack (200gm) 2 Bottles (120 Capsules) 1 Bottle (120 Tablets)

1 Month Supply

No side effects! Free Shipping and Handling Worldwide!

The above pack is for 30 days. Following is the dosage details:

1. Punarnava Capsules : 2 cap two times daily with plain water after meal.
2. Mutrakrichantak Churna : 1 tsp. two times daily with plain water after meal.
3. Varunadi Vati : 2 tab two times daily with plain water after meal.

Sandalwood and Neem are other herbs which have excellent ability to combat urinary tract infection. They not only clear the urinary tract of germs but also help to prevent recurrence.

Simple tips to get rid of urinary infection:

  • Have tender coconut water, buttermilk, vegetables that have high water content like cucumber, radish, etc. on a regular basis.
  • Avoid suppression of natural urges.
  • Drink plenty of water.
  • Avoid carbonated drinks.
  • Maintain personal hygiene.
  • Have fresh juices. Avoid tea, coffee, chocolates etc.

Urinary incontinence?

Urinary incontinence is the inability to control urination. It may be due to stress (urination occurs while laughing, coughing, even during exercise etc.), overactive bladder (urge to urinate urgently and frequently i.e. the person feels the urge so strong that the urine leak before they urinate), and overflow incontinence (here, the person feel the urge to urinate frequently but the stream of urine passed is less), mixed incontinence (combination of several types of incontinence) and functional incontinence.

The Urinary incontinence due to stress and overactive bladder is commonly found among patients. The urinary continence due to stress is more commonly found in women. The UI due to overactive bladder or urge incontinence is more common among the elderly.

Urinary incontinence is more common among women than men, because their urethra is quite short. When women cough, sneeze, or strain, or even when laughing, their bladder may leak a little urine.

This disorder can be controlled by certain herbs, a periodic oil enema, and certain yoga exercises. Let's begin with the latter.


Ashwini Mudra

This exercise involves using the perineal muscles to suck the anus inward, tightening the gluteal muscles. It will also strengthen the bladder sphincter. Do to t 2 repetitions, 2 or 3 times a day (while sitting down).

Other Postures

Sitting in the Vajrasana pose (see illustration in appendix 4) will help, as will the Forward Bend, Shoulder Stand, and Plow pose.


Prepare the following mixture:

  • ashwagandha 5 parts
  • bala 3 parts vidari 2 parts

Take 1/2 teaspoon with warm water twice a day, after meals.

Every day eat a handful of white sesame seeds with some jaggery or natural brown sugar. This will strengthen the bladder and help to correct the incontinence.

Other remedies and recommendations

Sesame Oil Enema

Once a week, do a basti (enema) using warm sesame oil (see appen?dix 2). Insert about t cup of oil into the rec. turn, and try to retain it for at least 5 to 10 minutes. If the oil runs out, don't worry. Sesame oil enema is one of the most effective ways to balance vata.

Avoid Alcohol and caffeine

Caffeine is a diuretic and intensifies the need to urinate. Therefore, incontinence and urgency of urination are quite common among coffee drinkers or users of other caffeinated bever. ages, such as tea or cola. Alcoholic beverages also promote incontinence. So it is better to avoid caffeine and alcohol if you have any problem with urinary control.

Vata pacifying diet

Since urinary incontinence is largely due to excess vata, following a vata-balancing diet will help.