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Herbal home remedies cure Gum disease, herbal cure gum diseases, herbs cure bleeding gums, herbs cure swollen gums

gum disease

Gum disease includes receding gums, bleeding gums, gingivitis, and swollen gums. According to Ayurveda, excess vata dosha leads to receding gums, while pitta dosha is responsible for bleeding gums, gingivitis, and swollen gums.

A powerful ayurvedic formulation that for complete protection of your oral cavity and gums. It is very helpful in making teeth white, removes strains, prevents bleeding from gums, avoids bad breath (halitosis) and prevents plaque formation.

Herbal Pack for Gum Disease

Gum Care Powder Arjun Saar
Gum Care Powder Arjun Saar
2 Bottles 2 Bottles (500ML Each)

1 Month Supply

No side effects! Free Shipping and Handling Worldwide!

The above pack is for 30 days. Following is the dosage details:

Gum Care Powder : Massage gently over the gums and then rinse with water
Amla Saar:15ml with equal quantity of water after meal.

According to Ayurveda or any Ancient system of medicine for the gums to remain healthy it should be brushed with herbs having bitter and astringent tastes. But many unaware of the fact prefer to pastes having sweet tastes land up in complications at the very early age itself. Here, our gum tone Powder consists of herbs which are astringent in tastes and which are useful for healthy gums and teeth and prevents diseases like bleeding gums, pyorrhea etc.

Also amla which is rich in vitamin C is useful to maintain healthier gums and teeth.

One should have foods rich in calcium like milk and milk products to have strong bones and teeth.

Gum Care Powder Details


  • Bleeding from gums
  • Gingivitis
  • Bad breath
  • Strains on teeth
  • Prevents tooth cavities
  • Strengthen teeth and gums


Gum tone powder is to be rubbed on the gums and teeth with soft hand (finger) or soft tooth brush and is to be left undisturbed for 5 to 10 minutes. Then rinse of the mouth with water. This procedure is to be performed twice daily.


  • Embelica ribes
  • Cinnamomum cassia
  • Piper cubeba
  • Mesua ferrea
  • Melia azadirachta
  • Caryophyllus aromaticus
  • Quercus infectoria
  • Myrica nagi
  • Vitex negundo
  • Emblica officnalis
  • Terminalia belerica
  • Terminalia chebula
  • Acacia catechu
  • Prunus prionitis
  • Mimusops elengi
  • Baeleria prionitis
  • Acacia Arabica
  • Camphora officinaru

For general care

For general cleaning of the teeth and caring for the gums, Ayurvedic dentistry recommends the use of certain bit?ter and astringent herbs, particularly neem, which is bitter, and lodhra, kushtha, and hi/va, which are all astringent. You can make an excellent cleanser for brushing your teeth by mixing the powdered form of these herbs. You can use neem plus anyone of the other three, mixed in equal proportions. Rinsing your mouth with a tea made from these herbs is also beneficial.
You can also buy anyone of several com?mercial toothpastes with neem and other Ayurvedic herbs in natural food stores or by mail order (see Resources).

Fore receding gums

Receding gums expose the roots of the teeth, and then both the gums and teeth become sensitive to cold and more susceptible to infection. To help with this problem, take a mouthful of warm sesame oil, and swish it around in your mouth for about 3 minutes before going to bed. Then massage your gums with your index finger. It is better not to rinse with water afterward; leave the oil residue in your mouth.

For infected gums

Tea tree oil is effective for painful infected gums, as is clove oil Both help to reduce pain and heal the infection. All you need is one drop of tea tree or clove oil directly at the site of the pain. A small piece of natural, edible camphor will also take care of pain in the gums. (Do not use synthetic camphor; it is poisonous.)

Dental floss with tea tree oil will take care of infected pockets in the gums below the gumline. Some dental floss treated with tea tree oil is available commercially; other. wise, just dip the floss in the oil prior to flossing.