Atirasadi Churna is a potent combination of rejuvenating herbs used in Ayurveda since 5000 B.C. for stamina, strength. These herbs act together in a synergistic manner and are effective in fatigue, general and sexual weakness. Atirasadi churna contains Herbs for Erectile Dysfunction, Premature Ejaculation and is a powerful Natural Stamina Enhancer. The special herbs for Erectile Dysfunction are rare herbs which are procured from himalayas, western desert of India and southern deccan penninsular forsets.
Some people also call it Herbal Viagra as it contains rarest Herbs for Sex problems and Erectile Dysfunction. The ingredients like Avena sativa, Tribulus terrestris, Indian Ginseng, Asparagus, Mucuna are extremely powerful herbs to increase power and erectile strength.
The herbal formulation has so many side benefits on overall health, other than sexual health. Avena sativa has is also known as Oats. Oat products are a tasty, and a rich source of nutrients that can provide proven health benefits, including benefits on blood cholesterol, blood pressure, blood glucose metabolism, satiety, and gastrointestinal health. Ashwagandha not only provides nutrition but also relieves stress and anxiety. Other herbs like Shatavari are rich in natural anti-oxidants, nutrients and hormone regulators. The formula also contains Saffron, Danshen, Musli and Asparagus to provide nutrition and other health benefits. All these benefits alongwith sex stamina, purely natural cure of erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation and low sperm count.
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Avena Sativa (English name: Whole Oats, Indian name: Jae):- Avena sativa is most popular and reputed Herb for Erectile Dysfucntion, Stamina, Male Performance Enhancer and Premature Ejaculatiion. Avena sativa powder has so many side benefits on overall health as well as sexual health. Avena sativa is commonly called Oat. The products made of Oat are a tasty, and a rich source of nutrients which has proven health benefits, including benefits on blood cholesterol, blood pressure, blood glucose metabolism, obesity, constipation as they are rich source of natural fiber also.
Tribulus terrestris in Erectile Dysfunction (English name: Puncture wine, Indian name: Gokshur):- A lot of research has been done on Effects of Tribulus on Erectile Dysfunction and Premature Ejaculation. It also has Anti-ageing properties. It contains Protodioscin, which is a natural precursor of testosterone (Male sex hormone).Low testosterone levels, which reduces sex drive, may be due to low DHEA levels upto 94% of the cases. Tribulus Terrestrisis a potent natural testosterone enhancer.Although it is a testosterone precursor, It also increases the production of Testosterone in another natural way. Tribulus leads to the production of the luteinizing hormone (LH). When LH levels are increased, the natural production of testosterone also increases. LH is a hormone that also deals with sex drive. LH has been used to increase fertility and help with impotence. Laboratory animal studies found that Tribulus Terrestris increased sperm count as well as motility levels just after 30 days. So are you ready for the most potent natural testosterone enhancer we are providing you here for the greatest gains in strength, stamina, muscle growth, fat loss and sex drive in your life!
Asparagus (English name: Garden Asparagus, Indian name: Shatavari): It is an important natural supplement that is very helpful in rejuvenation. In ayurvedic system of medicine shatavari is used in diseases such as impotence, weakened sexual activities, low sperm count and especially in spermatorrhea.
Withania somnifera (English name: Winter Cherry, Indian name: Ashwagandha) is famous as 'Indian Ginseng' worldwide. It gives a horse's strength to the person who uses it, without any side effects. It is contains natural steroids called withanolides. Ashwagandha is the best natural stress reliever, increases sperm count and promotes overall vigor, strength and stamina. It also helps in Erectile dysfunction.
Mucuna pruriens (English name: Cowhage, Indian name: Konch Beej): This herb is very famous as regular use increases semen quality and volume. It is famous as best anti-infertility herb. Mucuna gives immense stamina and power that one can have sex as many times as desired.Mucuna is best aphrodisiac and useful for oligozoospermia. It p revents male sterility and acts as a nervine tonic. Due to the presence of L-dopa, a neurotransmitter precursor, it also controls general weakness and tremor and acts as a nervine tonic.It is useful in increasing sperm count and testosterone levels.
Choloryphytum borivillianum (English name: White Musale, Indian name: Safed Musli): The whole world is crazy about this herb, which has excellent rejuvenative, stamina enhancing properties. It is an excellent natural remedy for Erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. It also promotes production of quality semen.
Curcilago orchoides (English name: Black Musale, Indian name: Kali Musli): Rich in natural anti-oxidants, micro-nutrients. It incrases stamina to new limits and brings back the strength youth back to life.
Salmalia malabarica (English name: Silk Cotton Tree, Indian name: Semal Musli):
The root of this tree is used as a natural aphrodisiac and an effective natural performance enhancing herbal remedy. It gives strength to overall body.Anacyclus pyrethrum (English name: Pellitory, Indian name: Akarkarabh): There is no herb which can compare with Anacyclus in its effects on Premature Ejaculation. This is world's most effective herbal remedy for Premature ejaculation and is being used in India since ages.
Pueraria tuberosa (English name: Hawaiian Baby, Woodrose, Indian name: Vidari Kand): Pureraria is rich in natural micro-nutrients. It gives strength to male sexual organs as well as complete body. It increases semen volume and promotes endurance. A man can perform sexual activity much longer, beyond his own expecations after using this herb.
Dioscorea tuberosa (English name: Wild Yam, Indian name: Varahi Kand): This is another herb from root category that contains essentail minerals, vitamins and other micronutrient, which are required by body. This is also an anti-ageing, stamina enhancing, vigor, strength promoting herb.
Centaurea behen (Indian name: Safed Behmen) can increase the stamina beyond limits. A natural ancient herb still popular in middle-east countries. This can be truly called " Treasure of Strength" as it promote vigor, cures premature ejaculation and promotes stamina.
Myristica fragrans (English name: Nutmeg/Mace, Indian name: Jaiphal/Javitri): Myritica is a very common herb used in Indian cooking for taste, but it has remarkable property to enhance stamina and cure premature ejaculation permanently.
Hygrophila spinosa (English name: Hygrophila, Indian name: Taalmakhana): Taalmakhana is being used in ancient Indian medicine as best natural remedy for Premature ejaculation and Erectile Dysfucntion.
?Saffron (English name: Saffron): The best Saffron grows in Kashmir state in India in upper himalayas. It has tremendous power to cure Erectile Dysfunction compeletely and very useful in premature ejaculation.
Salvia miltiorrhiza (English name: Danshen, Indian name: Samundersokh): Good for erectile dysfunction and impotence. It is a chinese herb also found in India and very popular among western countries.
Therefore, it is very important for you to find a solution that will act as Natural Male Enchancement Product and increases sexual performance. Male Support is not like those chemical treatments that produce potentially dangerous side effects, Male Support is safe and all natural. It is a natural sexual enhancement product that contain all natural herbs for sex in a synergized comprehensive formula.A lot of research shows that the products containing Indian Ginseng have an edge over others of it's category. It is specially formulated for men and contain all natural herbs, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients to stimulate sexual activity, cure erectile dysfunction, premature ejaculation as well as promote overall health and well-being.
So we want you not to consume potentially dangerous chemicals which are going to harm your body, which could have dangerous short term as well as long term side effects. Male Support is your all natural alternative to those chemical pills that is guaranteed to put the spark back in your sex life safely without causing any side effects. There is no doubt in calling it a natural alternative to viagra or herbal viagra.
We regularly get repeat orders from our customers, who are consuming our Male Enchancement Products like Male Support, Atirasadi Churna and otehrs. Male Support has been very effective with a very high success rate. It is not only popular among teenagers, but also among aged people who suffer from infertility, erectile dysfunction due to diabetes or anyother reason, premature ejaculation, fear, anxiety, stress, fatigue, inability to perform and lack of confidence.
Our customers are very much satisfied with the results. In fact, it has been sold to literally thousands of customers in virtually every country around the world!
The desire for sexual activity decreases with advancing age. The reasons can be physical problems, fatigue, depression, stress, emotional conditions , overweight and hormonal imbalance. Male Support capsules bring the joy of young life back to you. It gives so much energy and stamina that a man can perform indulge in sexual activity again and again.
Libido means desire to indulge into sexual activity. Libido is decreased by many factors. Stress plays a major role in disturbing the libido. Decrease in level of testosterone is also a major cause of decreased libido. Male Suppot increases the interst in sexual activity naturally and very useful remedy for loss of libido.
Premature Ejaculation can be very much embarrasing as it decreases the moments of intimacy and can be the reason for damaged relations. The man starts suffering from guilt and the female feels sexually dissatisfied as the couple cannot achieve full orgasm. It is a kind of sexual weakness. Male Support capsules increases vigor, stamina and natural strength in a very natural way. It is one of the best natural herbal supplements to enchance male performance.
Male Support Capsules enables many men with ED to respond to sexual stimulation. When a man is sexually aroused, the arteries in the penis relax and widen, allowing more blood to flow into the penis. As the arteries in the penis expand and harden, the veins that normally carry blood away from the penis become compressed, restricting the blood flow out of the penis. With more blood flowing in and less flowing out, the penis enlarges, resulting in an erection.
Worried about work stress, home affairs, financial matters and disturbed relations and many other emotional factors which can cause emotional instability and disturbed sexual performance and interest. Feeling bad about how we look or how we might perform sexually kills the sex drive. Ashwagandha in Male Support capsules stabilizes mood and is nature's best stress buster. Male Support capsules increases stamina, enhance performance, increase energy, confidance and maintains sex drive.
Unable to achieve or maintain an erection adequate enough for normal sexual intercourse is called impotence. Impotence can be very damaging in relationships. It deases confidence and morale of the person and also affects life not only in sexual matters but also in many ways. Inability to perform in bed can give birth to a lot of complexes in one's mind. Male Support helps acheive full and harder erection for longer duration of time. Relieves stress and anxiety. It is nature's best remedy to treat impotence naturally.
The bigger- the better" is not at all a false statement. More and more research has shown that a larger penis does give more pleasure to a woman especially the girth of the penis . A man with a large penis has the confidence that he can satisfy any woman and after all making love for the man is all about confidence. Male Support helps to improve circulation to the penis and increases the volume of blood held within the erectile tissue. The theory behind this is that if the erectile tissue can be encouraged to hold a greater volume of blood than it could otherwise naturally accommodate, then this will in turn result in a larger penis size both when erect and flaccid.
The involuntary loss of the seminal fluid is extremely debilitating in some cases; in others they may be more alarming than injurious, and detrimental chiefly through their mental effect upon the victim. Loss of seminal fluid is so common among young men. The primary cause of too many seminal loss is mainly the stimulating influence of our artificial civilized life and excessive access to porn material. The mind is indulged in such acts and the most common cause in nine cases out of ten is undoubtedly masturbation.
According to Ayurveda, Masturbation is an unnatural act and should not be done. 'Shukra- the semen must be kept preserved at any cost. As this is the elixir male strength. Ayurveda explains that male looses it's strength, if he looses his semen.Through this habit of masturbation the secretions become a continuous process, thus affecting the overall health of a person. The habit of self abuse ( Masturbation) causes the weakness of male organs involved in sexual activity. Excessive masturbation forces the body to make the semen immediately as the accumulated semen is being wasted through masturbation. The body utilizes its whole energy again to make precious semen and this rapidly accumulating secretion naturally finds and outlet through these emissions, at various intervals due to weakness of genital organs.
Low sperm count is a reason for Male infertilitymany times. A large number of sperms are not motile, viable or exhibit morphological abnormalities. Ashwagandha and Shiljajit present in Male Support capsules improve the sperm count as well as quality of the sperms including their movement as well as shape.
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