Kumari Saar (The Aloe-Vera Juice) consists of high portion of natural nutrients and vital substances. The nutritious ingredients of Aloe Vera can be divided into the following groups.
It is rich in most vitamins like Vitamin D, A (The antioxidant beta-carotene), C and E and even traces of B12, one of the very few plant sources of this vitamin.
Several of these biochemical catalysts aid digestion by breaking down fat and sugars when taken orally. Kumari Saar (The Aloe Vera juice) contains Lipases and proteases which break down foods and aid digestion. It also contains bradykinase, which helps to reduce excessive inflammation and pain when applied to the skin.
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Kumari Saar contains more than 20 minerals, like Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, Manganese, Magnesium, Copper, Zinc,Chromium, Selenium
Aloe vera juice is nature's best way to cleanse the human body's internal system.
The nutritious ingredients of Aloe-Vera can be divided into the following groups.
It is rich in most vitamins like Vitamin D, A (The antioxidant beta-carotene), C and E and even traces of B12, one of the very few plant sources of this vitamin.
Several of these biochemical catalysts aid digestion by breaking down fat and sugars when taken orally. Kumari Saar (The Aloe Vera juice) contains Lipases and proteases which break down foods and aid digestion. It also contains bradykinase, which helps to reduce excessive inflammation and pain when applied to the skin.
Even though minerals and trace elements are only needed in very small quantities, they are essential for the proper functioning of various enzyme systems in different metabolic pathways. Our preparation Kumari Saar is rich in these minerals.
Salicylic Acid
It is anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial, blood thinning properties.
Known as mucopolysaccharides, they enhance the immune system and help to detoxify. In topical preparations, the sugars are also the main moisturisers. These polysaccharides also regularize the glucose metabolism, thus are very helpful in maintaining blood sugar levels in diabetes patients.
There are twelve of these Phenolic compounds which are found exclusive in the plant sap. In small quantities, they aid absorption from the gastro-intestinal tract and have anti-microbial and pain killing effects. The important ones are the pain killers Aloin and Emodin. They also are anti-bacterial and anti-viral.
It gives Aloe Vera a singular penetrative effect so the other ingredients are absorbed through the skin.
They have cleansing, and antiseptic properties, acting powerfully against bacteria, viruses, fungi and yeasts.
Fatty Acids
Cholesterol, Campesterol, ?.Sisosterol and Jupeol. These four plant steroids found in Aloe Vera are important anti-inflammatory agents.
Amino acids
The body needs 22 amino acids - Kumari Saar provides 20 of these. More importantly, it provides 7 out of the 8 essential amino acids which the body itself cannot synthesize.
- Acute and Chronic Constipation
- Hyper acidity, Ulcers
- Skin problems like Eczema, Psoriasis, Acne, Hyper pimgentation
- Liver dysfunction
- Diabetes and it's complications
- Hypertension
- Gout, Osteo-arthritis, other inflammatory joint conditions
- Premature falling and graying of hair.
- Fatigue, loss of energy
- Blurred vision due to age
- Wounds and Chronic ulcers/sores
- Amenorrhoea
Kumari Saar should be taken twice daily. 3 tbsp in the morning and evening, with equal water.