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Herbal Remedies for Healthy Brain - Madatyahar Churna

Madatyahar Churna

Madatyahar Churna

Alcoholism has been known by various terminologies, in Ayurveda, we call it madatyaya. It can also be related to alcohol abuse and shows dependence on alcohol, in today's world it is referred to as alcohol use disorder. Madatyaya is a form in which the body eventually becomes dependent on the regular use of alcohol or you can say that when the person becomes dependent on the alcohol. When any person starts to become dependent on alcohol then it will definitely cause various negative consequences like typical mood disturbances, irritable behaviour, anger issues, and social distancing. These all factors are well known to the person who is regularly using the alcohol but is becoming so dependent on it that like is often not enough for him or her to make him or them stop from taking alcohol. Usually, the alcoholic patient said, it gives a pleasurable feeling to them and its use makes their sorrows. But this is not constant, with time regular use of alcohol can be quite unpleasant and it may cause withdrawal symptoms. This typically develops gradually over time and is known to run in families.

Planet Ayurveda has manufactured Madatyahar churna under the supervision of various experienced Doctors who have a vast knowledge of herbs, their uses, their dosage, and their properties. This company provides a hundred percent pure and natural products for the needy, its articulation is prepared without adding any type of colours, fillers, dyes, or any type of chemical composition. These products don't give any type of side-effects if taken with the advice of an Ayurvedic practitioner. Our company offers a reasonable price on all our products with an intelligent quality and we also do not practise its testing on animals.

Benefits of Madatyahar Churna

  • Those persons who drink alcohol regularly can have this herbal formulation to maintain their health and also gives relief from various symptoms caused by taking Alcohol.
  • It stabilises mood disturbances, gives a calming feeling and helps to control the urge of having alcohol regularly.
  • This formulation helps in improving the metabolic system and gives a soothing effect on digestive organs.
  • It controls various symptoms of chronic alcoholism like cravings for alcohol, and shaking of limbs without having alcohol in need.
  • It stabilises the shaking hands and feet that are affected by chronic alcohol use.
  • Relieves blackouts.
  • Maintains liver health and turns back its efficacious functions in the body.

Concept of Ayurveda and Madatyahar Churna

Ayurveda explains alcoholism with the term Madatyaya, it is said to be a chronic mental disorder that takes a toll on a person's mental and physical health. In Ayurveda we call alcohol as ayurvedic medicine and as well as a toxin for the human body, it totally depends on the dosage of alcohol.

In Ayurveda, we have studied its various properties like, alcohol can reach up to the heart very quickly and has a direct impact on our mind and ojas. Ojas can be related to our immune system and alcohol has qualities that are totally opposite to the ojas. A very easily understandable line for both of them is that ojas has a direct relation with sattva guna of our body that is correlated by the purity of mind and alcoholism is related to Tama dosha which will cause intoxication and agitation within the body.

According to Ayurveda, if we consume alcohol in the mild form then it could be good for our healthy digestion, relieves stress, and gives great sleep, even in Ayurveda it is said to take a medicine named trayodashang guggulu with anupan of alcoholic preparations so in today's world it is prescribed with arishtas, as in they are also a form of Madya preparation.

Madatyahar churna is used to stabilise the mind and psyche of the patient that is got disturbed by the chronic use of alcohol. It balances all the doshas and helps the patient to get relaxed without taking alcohol, and also helps to control the urge of taking alcohol every day or on a regular basis. The herbal formulation maintains healthy cognitive functioning and keeps the mind and body healthy.

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Dosage: 1 teaspoonful - twice daily, with water or fresh juices.

Herbs in Madatyahar Churna

There are many herbs that are concluded in Madatyahar churna, name of those herbs are -

Sr. No. Herb Used Latin Name Quantity
1 Sovarchal Anunquasodii chloridum 1 Part
2 Shwet Jeerak Cuminum cyminum 1 Part
3 Vrikshamal Garcinia indica 1 Part
4 Amalvetas Garcinia pedunculata 1 Part
5 Twak Cinnamon zeylanicum 1/2 Part
6 Ela Elettaria cardamomum 1 Part
7 Marich Piper nigrum 1 Part
8 Sharkara Sugar 1 Part

1. Sovarchal lavan

This is a type of salt that controls headache, mood disturbances, stress, and depression. It is very easy to digest, has hot potency, brings clarity to the channels, is well known for clearing out all the microchannels that are also called the srotas, it also helps to relieve stomach pain and is also good for the heart.

2. Shwet Jeerak (Cuminum cyminum)

Jeerak is said to be a very special ingredient in our Indian kitchen, no matter what the dish is, it is definitely going to be added. This herb has many properties like carminative, and astringent is good for stomach aches and is commonly given in alcoholism with many other health benefits. It pacifies Kapha and vata dosha.

3. Vrikshamal (Garcinia Indica)

This herb is showing its great impact on appetite and also works upon the vata and Kapha dosha to balance both the mental and physical state. It controls the cravings for having alcohol and is very helpful in maintaining a good mood and also gives the ability to handle the alcohol within the body.

4. Amalvetas (Garcinia pedunculata)

This herb also helps to control the cravings that are created by the insufficiency of alcohol in the body. It helps to manage the mood swings and depression at the same time that are developed due to not taking alcohol and it also helps to deal with the hangover along with increasing the ability of a person to concentrate.

5. Twak (Cinnamon zeylanicum)

This is another useful herb to manage the hangover. It helps to control the symptoms such as stomach aches, burning in the stomach, mood swings, anger, sadness, and many more. It helps to keep our digestion and metabolism healthy and pacifies all the aggravated doshas along with it giving various health benefits that help the person to leave the alcohol successfully.

6. Ela (Elettaria cardamomum)

This herb provides an overall health and lowers hangovers after taking alcohol, this herb has various properties that helps to conquer various digestive issues like burning in the stomach, headache, excessive thirst, mood disturbances, anger issues, irritable behaviour and supports the liver health because alcohol affects the liver very easily and this is a very common condition occurs in chronic Alcoholic patients.

7. Marich (Piper nigrum)

Marich is said to be having properties like an antidepressant because of its active constituent named Piperine which helps the patient to control his or her mood. This herb also helps in leaving the alcohol, its active components maintain the cognitive functioning of the brain that supports in beating the depression along with it reduces the chances of having stomach disturbances successfully.

Dosage of Madatyahar Churna

One teaspoonful of this powder should be consumed along with plain water or fresh juices after meals, two times a day.

Precaution tips with Madatyahar Churna

  • Take this herbal formulation in the advised dosage.
  • Take advice from your Ayurvedic practitioner before taking this formulation.
  • Keep it in a dry place and put it in an air-tight container.