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Natural Remedies for Diabetes Mellitus - Madhumehantak Churna

Madhumehantak Churna

Madhumehantak Churna is a potent combination of rejuvenating herbs used in Ayurveda since 5000 B.C. for diabetes and its complications. These herbs act together in a synergistic manner and are effective in lowering the blood sugar levels naturally. Latest researches on Salacia oblonga and Pterocarpus proves their efficacy in controlling diabetes and prevention of complications. Vizaysaar bark is used in many countries now for making wooden "Miracle" tumbler/glass for keeping the water overnight and consuming early morning to keep the sugar level under control. This product is a combination of unique herbs to effectively control diabetes. The herbs Bitter gourd, Gymnema and Eugenia has their definite role in bringing the level of diabetes under control.

Herbs in Madhumehantak Churna: Madhumehantak is purely a herbal formulation without any chemicals added into it. The ingredients are frequently used in Ayurvedic system of medicine since 5,000 B.C. without any side effects.

Madhumehantak Churna

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1 Bottle (200gm)

Sr. No. Herb Used English Name Latin Name Quantity
1 Saptrangi Salacia Salacia oblonga 30 gm
2 Vizaysaar Kino Tree Pterocarpus marsupium 30 gm
3 Bilwa Patra Stone Apple Aegle marmelos 20 gm
4 Gurmaar Gymnema Gymnema sylvestrae 20 gm
5 Giloy Tinospora Tinospora cordifolia 20 gm
6 Daru haldi Barberry Berberis aristata 10 gm
7 Neem Patra Margosa Tree Azadirachta indica 10 gm
8 Methi Fenugreek T.foenum graecum 10 gm
9 Jamun Java Plum Eugenia jambolina 10 gm
10 Karela Bitter Gourd Momordica charantia 10 gm
11 Tulsi Holy Basil Ocimum sanctum 10 gm
12 Amla Indian Gooseberry Emblica officinalis 10 gm
13 Sadabahar Periwinkle Vinca rosea 10 gm
14 Babool Gum Arabic tree Acacia Arabica 10 gm