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Herbal Remedies for Healthy Brain & Body - Medhya Churna

Medhya Churna

Medhya Churna

When you think of stress, it probably brings negativity to your mind. Some of the stresses are good for our health which helps us to remain protective of our overall work. This is a type of stress which we feel on our closing deadlines, when we start a new relationship, or on the job. This type of stress is helpful by making you excited for the upcoming time and helps to achieve more in this way. Good stress boosts up our mood and doesn't just stick around us. If you are under stress for most of the time then it can not be good stress, if it shows its impact on your physical and emotional status then it can create or develop a serious illness that may harm your body, mind, and soul.

Medhya Churna is a classical formulation prepared by Planet Ayurveda by the traditional method. This consists of eleven herbs that are highly effective in mental growth and gives a calming effect on the mind and body. This preparation doesn't contain colors, fillers, dyes, or any type of chemical component. This is made up of a hundred percent natural product which is highly appreciable by its stong results and is very helpful for the needful persons.

Benefits of Medhya Churna

  • Medhya churna helps to stabilise the physical as well as the mental state of a person.
  • It relieves various symptoms that are associated with emotional conditions like being short-tempered, anxious attacks, isolation, and depression. These all can be alleviated with the proper usage of medhya churna.
  • This herbal formulation is very effective in maintaining the nervous system healthy.
  • It helps with proper sleep
  • .
  • This rejuvenates the nervous system and improves mental health.
  • It relieves general pain in the body, relieves nausea, morning sickness or dizziness, etc.
  • Medhya churna have tridosha balancing properties.

Concept of Ayurveda and Medhya Churna

Ayurvedic science is an ancient system of medicine that gives us knowledge about the natural things that can be collected by nature to get relief from various diseases. Our body is under the control of three doshas, Vata, Pitta, and Kapha. These energies help to maintain our body in a balanced state but when these get vitiated our body undergoes some changes and develops various types of diseases.

Medhya Churna is made up of totally natural herbs free from various colours, dyes, and fillers. This product is completely safe and helps in attaining a very easy and stress-free life. This is made up of those herbs that are significantly used to suppress stress and depression-related symptoms. Those herbs are used for vata-anulomana, and kapha, pitta nihsaraka and directly act on the brain. This herbal product has proven its efficacy since ancient times and is effectively helpful in improving memory power, increasing the retaining capacity with high recognition properties.

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1 Bottle (100 gm)

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Dosage: 1/4 spoon once daily with plain water.

Herbs in Medhya Churna

Medhya churna is consisting of eleven wonderful herbs which work on every part of the body, name of these herbs are -

Sr. No. Herb Used Latin Name Quantity
1 Vacha Acorus calamus 50 gm
2 Ashwagandha Withania somnifera 5 gm
3 Ajmoda Carum roxburghianum 5 gm
4 Shwet Jeerak Cuminum cyminum 5 gm
5 Krishna Jeerak Carum carvi 5 gm
6 Sonth Zingiber officinale 5 gm
7 Marich Piper nigrum 5 gm
8 Pipali Piper longum 5 gm
9 Patha Cissampelos pareira 5 gm
10 Shankhpushpi Convolvulus pluricaulis 5 gm
11 Brahmi Bacopa monneiri 5 gm

Medhya churna is consisting of eleven wonderful herbs which work on every part of the body, name of these herbs are -

1. Vacha (Acorus calamus)

This herb is very helpful in balancing the Vata and Kapha dosha effectively, its roots are effective in relieving various mental disorders, helping to enhance the cognitive functioning of the brain along with improving memory power.

2. Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)

It is an excellent herb for relieving stress and depression-related stages, and enhances the coordination capacity with improvement in various systems all over the body. This is a very important herb in Ayurveda for controlling mental disabilities.

3. Ajmoda (Carum roxburghianum)

It is a useful herb to relieve indigestion, bloating, acidity, constipation, and pain in the stomach. It is also very useful in strengthening the brain and nervous system. It can also be used in most memory-enhancing products.

4. Shwet Jeerak (Cuminum cyminum)

This herb has many effective properties like is carminative, astringent, good for stomach aches and it pacifies Kapha and vata dosha. Many vata dosha-related disorders are relieved by jeerak herb.

5. Krishna Jeerak (Carum carvi)

Jeerak is a very common spice in Indian kitchen. It helps to maintain the digestive system healthy and also gives various different health benefits like stabilising the mental health, acts as a nervous tonic and shows relief from fatigue and stress.

6. Sonth (Zingiber officinale)

It is commonly known as dry ginger, has various anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties, and is very beneficial in tridosha balancing. It shows its positive impact on the various respiratory ailments and digestive ailments.

7. Marich (Piper nigrum)

It is said to be one of the best memory-enhancing properties, it helps to enhance the functioning of the nervous system, nourishes all over the body, improves the retention power of the brain, relieves speech-related diseases, and acts as Kapha nihsarak.

8. Pippali (Piper longum)

It affects both the short and the long-term memory, balances emotional status, headache, anxiety and depression symptoms. Pippali is very useful in digestive tract related disorders but it is also said to be a rasayanic herb that means it helps in regeneration and has anti-aging properties.

9. Patha (Cissampelos pareira)

It has the potential powers to nourish the brain, make the functioning of the brain quicker and sharper, and relieve many medical issues related to fatigue, stress and weakness by using this herb. It has great anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

10. Shankhpushpi (Convolvulus pluricaulis)

It is a common Indian herb used by parents to enhance the memory power of their children. It also enhances retention capacity and remembering capacity in the children. In Ayurveda, this is said to be a great medhya herb that can help in relieving various diseases which are associated with Vata vitiation.

11. Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri)

Brahmi is a wonderful herb that gives various benefits to every disease. It is widely famous for its nervous tonic properties, regular intake of the Brahmi will help to increase mental and emotional stability with great communication skills.

Dosage of Medhya Churna

1/4 spoon twice daily with plain water.

Few health-friendly tips with Medhya Churna

  • Take this churna and rub it on the tongue to have successful results.
  • Improve your diet because physical health is directly affected by stress and anxiety issues.
  • Do yoga and meditation daily to get proper results with this Ayurvedic formulation.

Precaution tips with Medhya Churna

  • Pregnant and lactating mothers should take a legal medical prescription before using this product.
  • Excessive use of the medicine can induce diarrhoea or any other digestive disorder.
  • Ongoing patients with Diabetes should get medical advice before taking this medicine.