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Spirulina Capsules - An excellent phytonutrient & chlorophyll

Spirulina Capsules, Spirulina, Spirulina Supplement

Spirulina capsules of Planet Ayurveda has many health benefits and is used in various medical conditions. The spirulina capsules is made from pure spirulina extract and are 100% natural. The capsules have no side effects and can be used as dietary food supplement. Spirulina is a type of blue-green algae that is rich in protein, vitamins, minerals, and carotenoids, antioxidants that can help protect cells from damage. It contains nutrients, including B complex vitamins, beta-carotene, vitamin E, manganese, zinc, copper, iron, selenium, and gamma linolenic acid (an essential fatty acid). Spirulina -- like any blue-green algae -- can be contaminated with toxic substances called microcystins. It can also absorb heavy metals from the water where it is grown.


         Average Nutritional Analysis Per 100g

63.0 g
22.0 g
2.2 g
8 g
Dietary fibre
7 g
Vitamin A
212 mg
600 mg
Vitamin E
10 mg
Vitamin B1
3.5 mg
Vitamin B2
4 mg
Vitamin B3
13 mg
Vitamin B5
2 mg
Vitamin B6
6 mg
1000 mg
800 mg
400 mg
58 mg
3 mg
1.2 mg
5 mg
0.3 mg
1400 mg
Gamma- linoleic acid
1000 mg
Vitamin B8
0.005 mg
Vitamin B9
0.05 mg
Vitamin B12
0.35 mg

Properties of Spirulina:

  1. 1. Anti cancer
  2. 2. Anti oxidant
  3. 3. Anti aging
  4. 4. Improves immunity
  5. 5. Combats anaemia
  6. 6. Reduces fatigue
  7. 7. Toner
  8. 8. Restores energy and vitality
  9. 9. Increases endurance
  10. 10. Oxygenates the body
  11. 11. Promotes general well being
  12. 12. Balances the nervous system
  13. 13.Reduces stress and anxiety
  14. 14. Reduces insomnia
  15. 15. Improves concentration
  16. 16. Reduces high blood pressure and cholesterol
  17. 17. Protective action on skin and eyes

Indications for Spirulina:

Spirulina Capsules, Spirulina, Spirulina Supplement

Spirulina is considered super-food. Spirulina is a tiny blue-green algae in the shape of a perfect spiral coil. Biologically speaking, it is one of the oldest inhabitants of the planet. Its scientific name is Arthrospira Plantensis. Spirulina is advised in following conditions:


  1. Spirulina is an ideal anti-aging food : concentrated nutrient value, easily digested and loaded with antioxidants. Beta carotene is good for healthy eyes and vision. Spirulina beta carotene is ten times more concentrated than carrots. Iron is essential to build a strong system, yet is the most common mineral deficiency. Spirulina is rich in iron, magnesium and trace minerals, and is easier to absorb than iron supplements. Spirulina is the highest source of B-12, essential for healthy nerves and tissue, especially for vegetarians.
  2. Healthy dieting with spirulina : Spirulina also increases stamina and immunity levels, and its high protein content helps build muscle mass. At the same time, it can curb hunger that may develop during the most demanding training routines. Thus, it indirectly acts as an effective way to maintain ideal body weight.
  1. The Disease Fighter : As well as beta carotene, Spirulina contains other nutrients such as iron, manganese, zinc, copper, selenium, and chromium. These nutrients help fight free radicals, cell-damaging molecules absorbed by the body through pollution, poor diet, injury, or stress. By removing free radicals, the nutrients help the immune system fight cancer and cellular degeneration. In some findings, spirulina has helped reduce oral cancer tumors in laboratory rats, and may thus provide a big medical breakthrough in cancer treatment. Spirulina’s ability to reduce the bad cholesterol LDL in the body helps prevent the onset of cardiovascular diseases, such as hardening of the arteries and strokes. It also helps lower blood pressure. While not clinically proven, spirulina may also protect against allergic reactions and liver infection.

Allergies : Spirulina holds some promise in the treatment of allergic rhinitis (nasal allergies), according to a research review published in 2009. Indeed, a previously published study of patients with allergic rhinitis found several benefits for spirulina consumption (including improvement in symptoms like nasal discharge, sneezing, congestion, and itching).

Diabetes : In a 2008 study involving 37 people with type 2 diabetes, researchers found that those assigned to 12 weeks of spirulina supplementation experienced a significant reduction in blood-fat levels. Spirulina benefits also included a decrease in inflammation and, for some patients, a decrease in blood pressure and cholesterol.

  1. Immune Support : A number of animal and test tube studies suggest that spirulina increases production of antibodies, infection-fighting proteins, and other cells that improve immunity and help ward off infection and chronic illnesses such as cancer. However, it has not been tested in people. In one clinical trial that involved humans, another type of blue-green algae called chlorella did not boost the immune response to flu vaccine.
  1. Protein Supplement : Amino acids make up 62% of spirulina. Because it is a rich source of protein and other nutrients, spirulina has been used as a nutritional supplement. However, although spirulina contains a certain level of protein, you would need to take very large quantities to see any effect. Other sources of protein, such as nuts, legumes, whole grains, and meat, provide protein in smaller servings.
  1. Antibiotic-related Illnesses : Although antibiotics destroy unwanted organisms in the body, they may also kill "good" bacteria called probiotics, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus. This can cause diarrhea. In test tubes, spirulina has boosted the growth of L. acidophilus and other probiotics. More research is needed to determine whether spirulina will have the same effect in people.
  1. Infection : Test tube studies suggest that spirulina has activity against herpes, influenza, and HIV. But researchers don’t know whether it would also work in people.
  1. Liver Disorders : Preliminary evidence suggests that spirulina may help protect against liver damage and cirrhosis (liver failure) in people with chronic hepatitis. Without more research, however, it is impossible to say whether spirulina offers any real benefit


Packs Order Now
1 Bottle (60 Capsules)

Serving Size - 1 Vegi Cap
Servings Per Container - 60 Capsules

Dosage - 1 Capsule twice daily, About 1/2 an hour to 1 hour after meals with plain or lukewarm water.

Side Effects - No Side effects, Can be used with other herbal supplements, Vitamins or other herbal remedies or natural products.

Who should consume planet ayurveda's spirulina:

  1. 1. Children who don’t like or get enough vegetables and or have an imbalanced food intake.
  2. 2. Teenagers during their rapid growing period need a sufficient injection of nutrients. Spirulina is ideal for this.
  3. 3. Pregnant mums who need extra nutrients.
  4. 4. Seniors who have difficulty in having reasonable average 3 meals per day.
  5. 5. Sport lovers or athletics who need extra nutrients to keep their energy levels up.
  6. 6. Modern busy people who don't have the time to eat good meals.
  7. 7. Patients or people who need high volumes of nutrients to assist recovery Vegetarians who require extra nutrient sources.

Best value for money

Spirulina contains rich vegetable protein (60~ 63 %, 3~4 times higher than fish or beef), multi Vitamins (Vitamin B 12 is 3~4 times higher than animal liver), which is particularly lacking in a vegetarian diet. It contains a wide range of minerals (including Iron, Potassium, Magnesium Sodium, Phosphorus, Calcium etc.), a high volume of Beta- carotene which protects cells (5 time more than carrots, 40 time more than spinach), high volumes of gamma-Linolein acid (which can reduce cholesterol and prevent heart disease). Further, Spirulina contains Phycocyanin which can only be found in Spirulina.

VIDEO- What is Spirulina, Benefits, Uses, Composition and Side effects