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Vara Churna (An Ayurvedic, herbal solution to constipation)

Vara Churna

Vara Churna is a blend of most popular Ayurvedic herbs Haritaki, Bhibhitaki and Amalaki. These are also known as "The Myrobalans". The herbs in combination are useful in multiple problems as they remove the accumulated toxins within the body. This formula is particularly effective in treating constipation and is non habit forming. These herbs are multipurpose and are useful in vision problems, high cholesterol, migraine, acidity, general weakness and obesity.

Quantity BUY NOW
1 Pack (100 gm)

Vara Churna

Herbs in Vara Churna: Vara Churna is purely a herbal formulation without any chemicals added into it. The ingredients are frequently used in Ayurvedic system of medicine since 5,000 B.C. without any side effects.


Herb Used English Name Latin Name Quantity
Haritaki Chebulic Myrobalan Terminalia chebula 33.33 gm
Bhibhitaki Belleric Myrobalan Terminalia bellerica 33.33 gm
Amalaki Indian Gooseberry Emblica officinalis 33.33 gm

Haritaki (Terminalia chebula): Commonly called 'Chebulic myrobalan' is a very useful herb for digestive system. People in India use this herb for constipation. Every other formulation for constipation contains Haritaki. The reason is it so effective and so mild on the stomach. It does not cause purgation and also strengthens the intestines. It also improves functioning of digestive system clears the blockage of channels in the digestive system.

Amalaki (Emblica officinalis): Amalaki is known as the richest source of 'Vitamin C' and is used in Ayurveda as a 'Rasayana therapy' (Rejuvenative therapy). It is also a rich source of Calcium. It works best with other two myrobalans i.e. Haritaki and Bhibhitaki.

It gives nutrition to the whole body and eliminates the toxins from within the body.

Bhibhitaki (The Myrobalans): . This combination of three fruits namely 'Harad (Chebulic myrobalan), 'Amla' (Indian Gooseberry) and 'Bahera (Belleric myrobalan) is useful in removing fats from the body. It corrects the liver metabolism in the liver and helps the body in removing fat deposits.