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Natural Remedies for Eating Disorders, Ayurvedic Medicine, Herbal Cure

Eating Disorders, Excessive eating, How to stop Excessive eating


kinds of eating disorders bulimia and binge eating

Almost every?one does some extra munching now and then. But if you often continue eating even though you are full, you might be a victim of binge eating disorder or bulimia.
Individuals with bulimia eat to excess and then induce vomiting to avoid gaining weight, while those with binge eating disorder overeat but don't induce vomiting. Binge eating may lead to obesity, and bulimia may lead to metabolic disorders.

Herbal Cure Pack for Eating Disorders

Trim Support Stholyantak Churna Garcinia Capsules
Trim Support Stholyantak Churna Garcinia
(2 Bottles) (1 Bottle) (2 Bottles)

1 Month Supply

No side effects! Free Shipping and Handling Worldwide!

The above pack is for 30 days. Following is the dosage details:

Trim Support : 2 capsules twice daily.
Stholyantak Churna: 1 teaspoon twice daily, after meals
Garcinia: 2 capsules twice daily


Overeating of all kinds is most often the result of psychological and emo?tional factors, such as low self-esteem, anxi?ety, grief, and sadness. To compensate for those emotions, people go on eating.


Anorexia nervosa is a serious problem, usually among young women who have a fear of being fat and purposefully starve themselves. The root cause of anorexia is often depression.

suggested remedies

Here are some brief suggestions to help you deal effectively with these eating disorders. For more complete treatments, please see "Overeating" and "Obesity." FOLLOW A LOW-FAT DIET. Avoid fatty fried food, cheese, yogurt, excess carbohy?drates, ice cream. These kapha-inducing sub?stances lead to weight gain and possibly to obesity.

eat hot spicy food

When cooking, add garam masala, chili pepper, cayenne pepper, curry pepper, turmeric, cumin, and the like to your food. These spices will burn the ama that causes overeating.

eat two or three meals a day

That's all. Eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner, but skip between-meal snacking. While eating, play some soft, gentle music such as classical Indian music; choose a gentle, loving raga. Don't listen to jazz or rock; that loud music will over stimulate the system and cause you to eat more.


Whenever you desire to munch, eat licorice candy, which is a mild diuretic that acts to reduce kapha. Or eat a handful of raisins.

herbal tea

To help heal the emotional fac?tor in all eating disorders, drink herbal tea. Excellent choices are chamomile, comfrey, brahmi, or jatamamsi. These are good individu?ally, but a tea made from all of these mixed together in equal amounts is especially effec?tive to reduce stress and balance the emo?tions. Use 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of herbs steeped in boiling water for 10 minutes.
NOTE: If there is depression, jatamamsi or brahmi tea will help, but it may also be nec?essary to see a psychiatrist or other mental health professional.

natural weight loss remedies

Kindly see our Trim Capsules, Stholyantak Chruna and Garcinia capsules for Natural weight loss remedies and Natural weight loss products.

oil massage

Rub some bhringaraj oil on the soles of the feet and on the scalp at night. That will help you relax and sleep. Lightly massaging with a little of the oil inthe morning will also help you deal with the stress.

yoga postures

Good yoga asanas for eat?ing disorders include the Bow, Boat, Pea?cock, and Rooster poses. The Lion pose is also quite effective for reducing stress.

breathing and meditation

Ujjayi pranayama and So-Hum meditation will also be helpful.