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Natural Remedies for Pneumonia, Ayurvedic Medicines, Herbal Cure

Herbal Home Remedies for Pneumonia Symptoms - Ayurvedic Medicines-Natural Treatment



Pneumonia is the inflammation of the substance of the lungs which manifests itself' in many forms. The attack usually commences with shivering (in young children, convulsions), followed by pain in the chest and sometimes vomiting. The temperature rises suddenly to 104?F and the pulse is extremely rapid. The breathing is shallow and laboured. There is a dry, hacking cough. If there is expectoration of phlemg, it is rusty. The fever is usually between 103?F and 105?F for about a week when it may fall suddenly. There is profuse sweating at the time and the pain may abate as the disease progresses.

Children are more often than not its victims even tl10ugh the disease may strike any person of any age. Pneumonia is sometimes a complication resulting from a wrong treatment of influenza.

Herbal Cure Pack for Pneumonia

Aller-G-Care Praan Rakshak Churna Sanjivani Vati
Aller-G-Care Praan Rakshak Churna Sanjivani Vati
2 Bottles 1 Pack 1 Bottle

1 Month Supply

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The above pack is for 30 days. Following is the dosage details:

Aller-G-Care - : 2 capsules twice a day
Praan Rakshak Churna :1 teaspoon with warm water twice a day.
Sanjivani Vati - : 1 tablet thrice daily


Pneumonia among children is often the result of suppressive medical treatment of other diseases of a less serious nature. Its treatment according to naturopathic principles follows the same lilies as for?other fevers. The child suffering from pneumonia should be fasted for several days-during that period only water and fruit juice in medium quantities should be given. No milk should be given. Packs to the chest will help relieve the condition. A daily warm water enema should be given. It may have to be repeated 3 to 4 times during the day according to the condition of the patient.