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Herbal Home Remedies for Rectal Itching

Herbal Home Remedies for Rectal Itching - Ayurvedic Medicines-Natural Treatment

rectal itching

Rectal itching has several possible causes One is worms and parasites, such as round. worms and pinworms, Itching may also be caused by hemorrhoids, inflamed ulcers, a yeast infection, or a fungal infection, Excess toxicity-ama in the colon-can also create itching of the anus.

Rectal itching can also be caused due to liver disease, psoriasis, scabies, pruritus, etc. also one need to maintain personal hygiene to prevent rectal itching. Sometimes even due to excess moisture which is caused due to frequent diarrhea or by sweating can cause rectal itching.

If it is caused due to intestinal worms, intake of Neem Capsule would help as it is a good wormicidal and also good for the skin. It will reduce the intensity to scratch.

Herbal Cure Pack for Rectal Itching

Neem Capsules Kaishore Gugglu
Neem Capsules Kaishore Gugglu
2 Bottles 1 Bottle

1 Month Supply

No side effects! Free Shipping and Handling Worldwide!

The above pack is for 30 days. Following is the dosage details:

Neem Capsules - 2 capsule twice daily, with warm water
Kaishore Gugglu - 2 tablets twice daily, before meals

for wormsa

If worms are the problem, you may be able to eliminate them entirely with this herbal formula:

  • vidanga 5 parts
  • shardunika 2 parts
  • trikatu 1/8 part

Use 1/4 teaspoon of this mixture twice a day washed down with warm water after meals.

Also, take 1/2 teaspoon triphala every night in a cup of warm water. (Steep 5 to 10 minutes before drinking.)

for yeast infection

If there is a yeast infection, apply a little yogurt to the anal orifice, then wash the anus with water.

for hemorrhoids

If the problem is hem?orrhoids, take a baking soda bath, soaking the hemorrhoids in warm water with '/3 cup baking soda added. Then apply neem oil to the hemorrhoids.

for fungal infection

Mix a little tea tree oil and neem oil together, and apply it directly to the anal area to heal the rectal itch.

Preventive Diet. Avoid hot spicy foods, fermented foods, and yeast-containing bread. Stay away from alcohol entirely.