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Natural Remedies for Migraine, Ayurvedic Medicine, Herbal Cure

Herbal Cure for Migraine - Ayurvedic Medicines-Natural Treatment


The term 'Migraine' stems from Galen's usage of hemicrania to describe a periodic disorder comprising paroxysmal blinding hemi cranial pain, vomiting, photophobia, recurrence at regular intervals, and relief by dark surroundings and sleep. Later, hemicrania was later corrupted into low Latin as hemigranea and migranea; eventually, the French translation, 'Migraine' gained acceptance in the eighteenth century and prevailed ever since.

Migraine can be defined as a paroxysmal ailment, accompanied by a severe headache, generally on one side of the head, and associated with disorders of the digestion, the liver and the vision. It usually occurs when a person is under great mental tension or has suddenly got over that state.

A migraine comes on suddenly. The head and neck muscles, reacting from continuous stress, become overworked. The tight muscles squeeze the arteries and reduce the blood flow. Then when the person relaxes suddenly, the constricted muscles expand, stretching the blood vessel walls. With each heart beat, the blood pushes through these vessels and expands them further, causing intense pain.

Herbal Cure Migraine Pack

Bramhi Capsules Ashwagandha Capsules Pitta Balance Arogyavardhni vati Medhya Churna
Bramhi Capsules Ashwagandha Capsules Pitta Balance Arogyavardhni vati Medhya Churna
2 Bottles (120 Capsules) 1 Bottle (60 Capsules) 1 Bottle (60 Capsules) 1 Bottle (120 Tablets) 2 Packs (100gm Each)

1 Month Supply

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The above pack is for 30 days. Following is the dosage details:

  1. 1. Brahmi Capsules - 2 Capsules, twice daily with plain water.
  2. 2. Ashwagandha Capsules - 1 Capsule, twice daily with plain water after meals.
  3. 3. Pitta Balance - 1 Capsule, twice daily with plain water after meals.
  4. 4. Arogyavardhini Vati - 2 tablets, twice daily with plain water after meals.
  5. 5. Medhya Churna - For Adults: Half to one tsp. can be taken, twice daily, with honey/yogurt/water. For Children: 500 mg can be given in children, once to twice daily with honey/yogurt/water.

Causes and Symptoms:

There is a definite pattern of a migraine. The pain is on only one side of the head and often radiates from the eye. The right side of the head may be affected in one attack and the next time, the concentration of the pain may be on the left side. Migraine attacks are usually preceded by a short period of depression, irritability and loss of appetite.

Migraine can be due to many causes: indigestion, constipation, colds and flu, allergies, infection, low resistance power, anxiety or muscular tension. It can also be caused by low blood sugar, excessive intake of certain drugs, nutritional deficiency, consistent overwork, improper sleep and rest, excessive smoking, drinking and sexual indulgence. Migraine, a more severe type headache, is often related to congenital factors. Menstruation in women is also one of the important causes of Migraine. This form of migraine usually abates after menopause.

The main symptoms of migraine are pounding pain and nausea. The blood vessels on the affected side of the head become prominent and pulsating. As the headache develops, disturbed digestion becomes a marked feature.

Clinical subtypes:

  • Classic migraine denotes the syndrome of headache associated with characteristic premonitory sensory, motor, or visual symptoms. The symptoms are double vision or partial blindness, numbness and tingling sensation of face, lips and hands, drowsiness, weakness of hands and legs, blurred speech, unsteadiness in walking.
  • Common migraine denotes one in which there is no focal neurologic disturbance preceding the occurrence of headache i.e. headache occurs suddenly without a warning. The site of the pain varies and it may shift from one side to the other.
  • However, the latter by far is the most frequent clinical problem, and focal neurologic disturbance are more common during headache attacks than as prodromal symptoms. Focal neurologic disturbances without headache or vomiting have come to be known as Migraine.
  • Basilar migraine - symptoms referable to a disturbance in brainstem function such as vertigo, dysarthria and diplopia occur as the only neurologic symptoms of the attack in about 25 percent of patients.
  • Carotidynia - the Carotidynia syndrome, sometimes called lower half headache or facial migraine, is more prominent among an older population of patients, with peak incidence in the fourth through sixth decades. Pain is usually reported to be located at the jaw or neck, although sometimes periorbital or maxillary pain occurs; it may be continuous, dull and aching, and becomes pounding or throbbing episodically. These are often superimposed sharp, ice pick like jabs. Attacks occur one to several times per week, each lasting several minutes to hours. Tenderness and prominent pulsations of the cervical carotid artery, and soft tissue swelling overlying the carotid, are usually present homolateral to the pain. Dental trauma is a common precipitant of this syndrome.

Type Usual site Age and Sex Clinical features

Migraine, with or without aura

Frontotemporal, uni- or bilateral.


All ages; highest incidence in children and young adults.
Female > male in adults.
Female = male in children.

Onset after wakening; quelled by sleep.
Provoked by menses, odors, and foods.
Stops after 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

Duration: 6 hrs to 2 days.

Cluster headache

Lateralized, orbital or temporal.


All ages above 10; peaks at 30 - 50.
Mainly men (90%).
Provoked by alcohol.

Periodic attacks.
1-2 attacks per day, commonly awakens from sleep.
Duration: 45 mins.
Associated with red eye and stuffy nose homolaterally.

Tension headache



All ages; principally young adults.
Female preponderance.

Nondescript, tight band like discomfort continuously. Exacerbations provoked by factors similar to migraine.

Brain tumor



All ages, both sexes.

Interrupts sleep, unrelieved by sleep. Exacerbated by orthostatic changes. Steadily worsening pain; may be preceded by days to weeks of nausea and vomiting.

Giant cell arteritis

Lateralized, temporal or occipital


Over 55 years, either sex.

Marked scalp tenderness with superimposed jabbing and jolting pain.
Deep, intermittent throbbing.
Associated with malaise and morning stiffness and pain in shoulders and hips.

Lumbar puncture headache


Bifrontal and/or bioccipital.

Over 10 years, either sex.

Orthostatic; head pain present with patient sitting or standing and disappears in prone or supine positions.

Dietary considerations for migraine:

The food that triggers migraine are cold food items, tomatoes, lemon, citrus fruits, chocolates, ice creams, dairy products, white flour products, confectionary, rich cakes, pastries, sweets, refined cereals, tinned or preserved foods, pickles, sauces, coconut, tender coconut water, nuts, cold beverages etc. Some migraines worsen by food allergies. Avoid such foods. The patient should eat frequent small meals rather than a few large ones. Overeating should be avoided. Drinking plenty of warm water is advisable. Always have food freshly prepared and in a warm state. Some condiments and spices like garlic, asafetida, fenugreek seeds, cumin seeds, pepper etc. are helpful in relieving the symptoms.